91 Billet Lane HORNCHURCH RM11 1XJ
77 Woodford Rd SOUTH WOODFORD E18 2EA
Tel: 01708 501150
020 8532 2922
Neck Pain
Neck Pain Osteopathy Treatment
Neck pain is a common ailment affecting 7 out of ten 10 people at some point and 1 in a hundred every day. One quarter of our case load at Body Balance have neck pains and we deal with all the cases every day.
Common causes of neck pain can include.
· Muscle Strain
· Muscle Tension
· Myofascial Trigger Points
· Poor Posture
· Trauma or Injury
· Degenerative Disc Disease
· Herniated Disc
· Arthritis
· Stress
Management of Neck Pain:
Many cases of neck pain will get better with some simple advice. People find a better pillow, a return to normal activity – keeping it moving, heat and massage helpful.
If it’s more troublesome then some simple painkillers from the pharmacist can be helpful.
If your experiencing pain in the arm or chest then you should see a professional for a diagnosis and personalised treatment and advice.
If your neck is not getting better, the the NICE recommendation is for a proper assessment with a health professional, and a multimodal treatment strategy of stretching and strengthening exercises and some manual therapy. At Body balance our highly qualified and skilled osteopaths use the recommended multimodal approach.
MRI Scans
MRI scans are available through Body Balance at our local MRI service in Hornchurch or Stratford. Your osteopath will help you decide if this is necessary. For most people a scan is not required as the problem can be diagnosed and managed without one.
Red flags and serious causes.
These are very rare, and your osteopath trained and experienced in the detection and referral pathways for any suspected causes. People find the detailed and skilled examination provided reassuring.
Call to Book
Call our friendly and knowledgeable reception team to book your treatment
01708 501150
020 8532 2292
All osteopaths in the UK are regulated by the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) and must adhere to strict practice standards issued by the GOsC.
Body Balance Osteopaths Patient Charter
Your Osteopath will tell you
Why you are in pain
How long your recovery should take
How many treatments you should need.
Explain the treatment options and ask you to agree before treatment begins.